As a Design Researcher at Lookout during an 8-month internship, I refined my skills in user research and design thinking. I took a lead role in projects, conducted interviews, and synthesized data to extract valuable insights, finding narratives within complex datasets.
Design Impact
✅ Significantly contributed to Lookout's exploratory research and design strategy efforts.
✅ Developed leadership skills in project management, interviews, and data synthesis.
Future Aspirations:
⭐️ Eager to apply nuanced insights into user behavior and complex data to real-world projects, emphasizing a commitment to human-centered design principles.
Projects Overview
Here are some of the impactful projects I worked on during my 8 months at Lookout:

Project 1: Cloud Critical Mapping
Design Opportunity: Understanding the information architecture of a web console from admin users' perspectives.
Solution: Conducted in-depth interviews, capturing experiences, and delving into decision-making processes.
Challenges and Reflections:
Intellectual Demand: Given my background in psychology, exploring user behavior proved to be intellectually demanding.
Visual Representation: Translating insights into a cohesive visual representation demanded careful consideration and substantial thinking.
Collaborative Exchange: Engaged in a collaborative exchange with the team, including the manager, lead design researcher, and strategist.
Iterative Approach: Regularly shared progress and received valuable feedback, ensuring the comprehensiveness of the work.
Personal Discovery: This project provided a valuable opportunity for self-reflection.
Strengths and Passions: Discovered a thorough enjoyment in navigating ambiguity and making sense of complex research data.
Communication Skills: Developed the ability to understand users, their behaviors, and needs, effectively communicating insights through narrative research.
Appreciation for Complexity: Reinforced appreciation for projects requiring the synthesis of diverse perspectives, identifying underlying storylines within data, and iterative feedback incorporation.

Project 2: Navigation & Password Management Structure Test
Design Opportunity: Testing three differently structured mobile prototypes for a visual redesign of the consumer app, including a password manager feature.
Solution: Worked collaboratively with the design team and manager, testing prototypes using UserZoomGo.
Challenges and Reflections:
Scope of Testing: Investigated the perceived value of the app with three prototypes, one featuring a password manager.
Collaboration: Worked closely with the design team responsible for Figma prototypes.
Usability Testing: Conducted prototype usability interviews, guiding participants through the three different iterations.
Consumer Interaction Analysis: Explored how consumers interacted with visual styles and the impact of the password manager feature.